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Top Digital Marketing Campaigns of 2020 and What We Can Learn From Them for 2021

Top Digital Marketing Campaigns of 2020
Written by Medhaavi Mishra

It’s time to finally say goodbye to 2020 – a year full of uncertainty, transition, and transformation. With a business that is forced to front the way they operate, this year has opened the door to new opportunities, new ways of thinking, and new roads for growth.

The creativity and thought of out-of-the-box have never been more important, and the majority of the brands have realized this when jostling for space in a crowded market. One clear winner in 2021 has become digital marketing. It appears as an approach-to-approach to the brand to market themselves in the midst of reducing pandemic and increasing online competition.

As a result, we have seen several interesting and innovative Digital Marketing Online Certification in 2023 which won the eyeball, liver and business. With 2021 right around the corner, let’s take a moment to go through some of the best digital marketing campaigns that make marks in the past 12 months and lessons from those you can bring to the coming year.

Social media campaigns that hit a place

With 42% of people around the world spent longer on social media since the start of the Pandemic, no platform is better to connect with customers than social media. So, it is not surprising to see global social media advertisements spent 56.4% in Q3 2020.

Here are some digital marketing campaigns that utilize the potential of large social media to connect with audiences and can resonate with current situations and customer sentiments.

Netflix Aura.

Today, Netflix issynonymous with entertainment, but the brand has never stung from encouraging relevant social comments through its campaign.

Their Live Instagram series, “want to talk about it?” Placing the spotlight on the struggle of mental health of people in the ongoing crisis. This is a difficult time for everyone, including viewers and consumers of Netflix services. By displaying a useful question and answer with mental health experts, the brand shows that they understand their audience and their problems. But most importantly, it shows they care. Studies have found that brands that treat customers with empathy and care to get loyalty and income in return. So, the possibility of people who have received assistance from this campaign has more reasons to become a Loyal Long Netflix user after the pandemic has passed.

Meaningful and elongated conversations in innovative ways are great ingredients to create an unforgettable digital marketing campaign, not just for Netflix but whatever business wants to connect with people in a more personal way. If your campaign can increase customer loyalty and brand image while solving people’s problems, it is a win!

Hello BC – #ExploreBclater

Hello BC – #ExploreBclater

The travel industry has become one of the most hit this year, with social breaks and locking limiting people to their homes and travel plans to go south. In the face of difficulties like that, brands are often known to be aggressive with their marketing. Hello BC, the Provincial Tourism Authority of Canada shows us how to remain relevant and above the mind of the customer even though the season is rough.

Their #ExploreBclater campaign joins the spirit of social responsibility in the face of global pandemics, encouraging people to pause on their travel plans and remain safe at home. And with that, he managed to encourage responsible messages while also keeping the audience interested in BC as a travel destination.

The #Explorebclater campaign is also a round of popular brands of hashtag, #ExploreBC, which helps them build on recognition of their existing brands. Brilliant way to take advantage of the success of older campaigns.

The influencer marketing campaign that is most affected

With consumers finding themselves struggling with the complexity and uncertainty of the pandemic, this year offers a brand-brand of great opportunities to showcase their human side, help them connect with their audience at a more personal and authentic level. Although many of which cover their marketing initiatives, including influencer partnerships, almost 80% of influencers report higher levels of involvement.

We have chosen inspiring influencer campaigns that allow organizations to utilize familiar faces and reliable personality to submit positive and hopeful messages.

Who – #safehandschallenge.

Right on the early days of pandemic, which launched a campaign to promote the importance of hand hygiene against Covid-19. To spread the message far and extensive, the organization partnered with some of the largest celebrities, politicians, and famous personality from all over the world. DG Ghebreyesus, Director General, who, kicked the campaign on Twitter, nominated the Sports Star of Roger Federer, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Virat Kohli. The Harkens campaign returned to the challenge of Ice Bucket ALS 2014, which turned out to be one of the most successful social campaigns of all time.

The main lesson to be studied here is: victory of simplicity. The message was clear, while the low barrier approach in both digital marketing campaigns contributed to their success. Plus, make those who have an impact on your daily life your audience into part of the campaign, making it easier to connect with them.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra