
Building the Future: Exploring Mason Jobs in the UAE

Building the Future: Exploring Mason Jobs in the UAE
Written by Medhaavi Mishra

The construction industry in the UAE is developing rapidly, so this country needs specialists. This applies to various categories of builders who not only design but also contribute to the creation of designer buildings. The country is thriving thanks to its modern approach and a large number of specialists, particularly in construction. The continuous development does not stop, which is an advantage. In this regard, many people want to move to a city located in the UAE and start their career as a mason. Everyone has a chance to get a good job if they approach this stage responsibly.  If you are thinking about such an important decision, visit sites like This will help you analyze the market and offers. 

How to start working as a bricklayer in the UAE?

If you have the necessary knowledge and expertise, you can gradually start preparing for employment. However, it is important not to forget about the documents that need to be prepared. This requires a considerable amount of time, so be patient and take your time. If there is an opportunity to consult with a person who can help you with the paperwork, take it. This will save not only time but also effort. 

Working as a bricklayer in this country is attractive. To get the desired job, you need to go through a number of stages that are not always easy. Let’s list the main points:

  1. Getting an education: First of all, you need to get an education in the field of construction. This can be done at courses or colleges that provide relevant diplomas and certificates. It is important to keep in mind that some private companies may require their employees to have a university degree, so prior training may be useful.
  2. Gaining experience: After getting an education, it is important to gain practical experience. This can be done through internships in construction companies or by working as a construction assistant. It is also possible to gain work experience in a previous job in your home country, which can be helpful when applying for a new job in the UAE.
  3. Obtaining a license: In order to work as a bricklayer in the UAE, you need to obtain a license. The license can be issued by the Department of Economy after completing all the necessary formalities and going through the appropriate application procedure and paying the relevant fees.
  4. Finding a job: After obtaining all the necessary documents, you need to find a job in a construction corporation or private firm. You can apply to recruitment agencies or search directly on the companies websites.

The above are the key steps that are essential. The list of conditions may vary depending on many factors. Each company independently decides what kind of employee it wants to see in its team, so carefully read the terms and conditions before submitting your resume and applying for a job.

What is the difference between the employment of a bricklayer in public and private institutions in the UAE?

A bricklayer can work not only for a company. There are plenty of government orders to fulfill. There is a big difference between these offers that should be taken into account. Everyone decides for themselves which conditions are more convenient and profitable for them, so analyze the situation on your own. 

The requirements for government work and private enterprise will be different. As a rule, the requirements for those who work for the state are stricter, so it will be more difficult to get into the category of such bricklayers. In this case, you will definitely need a university degree and documents confirming that you have obtained it. If you work for a company, the schedule will be different. Keep in mind that government work is characterized by more holidays and weekends. Therefore, employees work only on weekdays at a clearly defined time. In this case, you will not be able to deviate from your working hours, unlike private companies that can offer a more flexible schedule. 

Salaries in each company are determined and offered independently. However, it is generally accepted that government agencies pay more. In addition to a nice salary, there is the possibility of career growth, as you can become the head of a certain category. This is possible under a number of circumstances, as well as if you prove yourself professionally at work. 

You may encounter a wide variety of vacancies. You will probably be faced with the choice of whether to take a government job or join a private company. It all depends on your vision, skills, capabilities, and job search goals. 

Secrets of the bricklaying profession in the UAE revealed

The bricklaying profession was not immediately what it is today. Specialists emerged after long training and several stages of development. The modern version pleases not only construction companies but also the painters themselves, as many updated processes have simplified their lives. It will also be useful to learn the secrets of this profession, so let’s talk about them. 

Sometimes safety issues can arise on a construction site, especially when masons are working at high heights. Hence, it is important for a professional UAE bricklayer to understand and comply with the safety requirements at the workplace. Employers may additionally provide lectures before starting work to ensure that everything goes well. The main thing is to listen and implement professional information in any case. It will never be superfluous.

Building firms in the UAE usually pay more attention to making sure that their masons have a variety of machines to make their work more efficient and safe. Consequently, masons need to be able to use the latest tools and materials that they receive in their work. Many corporations involve their staff in workshops that improve skills. Be sure to take advantage of such opportunities if you want to increase your salary and skills. Follow the trends and improve your linguistic skills. That is, learn English. If you have a good memory, you can additionally learn the local language, as this can help you communicate with management or the general population.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra