Food & Drink Recipe

11 Ice Cream Recipes to Beat The Heat

11 Ice Cream Recipes to Beat The Heat
Written by Medhaavi Mishra

Wondering how to make ice cream in home? Fret not. We bring you eleven easy ice cream recipes that can be made in a jiffy.

This article includes everything from easy ice cream with milk to homemade ice cream with milk. Get ready to dig in!

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

1. Peach Romanoff

Caramelized peaches with ice cream make up for one of the most sophisticated ice cream recipes of all times.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Serves: 3


Sweetened fresh cream

2 tbsp brandy

6 tbsp orange juice

6 peaches canned, halved

To serve:

Vanilla ice cream


  1. In a pan, cook sugar until it melts.
  2. Stir in the orange juice and continue to cook.
  3. Toss in the peaches and cook for another minute.
  4. In a large spoon, warm the brandy. Set it alight and pour the burning brandy over the peaches.
  5. Place 2 peach halves on top of vanilla ice cream in a serving dish. Add a generous amount of cream before serving.

2. Pineapple Sundae

Ice cream, jelly and fruits combine to make a gorgeous sundae.

Preparation time: 45 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Serves: 10


To prepare the ice cream:

¾ tsp pineapple essence

275 g fresh cream

¾ cup powdered sugar

4 tsp lemon juice

8 teacups milk, cold

To prepare the pineapple jelly:

A few drops of lemon juice

3 tsp powdered sugar

A small can of pineapple juice

1 packet of pineapple jelly

To serve:

Fresh cream, sweetened

1 small can of pineapple slices, drained and cut into bite-sized pieces


To prepare the ice cream:

  1. Mix the pineapple essence, fresh cream, sugar, lemon juice, and milk.
  2. Prepare the ice cream using an ice cream churner.

To prepare the pineapple jelly:

  1. Dissolve the jelly in 3 teacups of boiling water.
  2. Take out 1 ½ teacup of the jelly and add to the pineapple juice. Stir in the lemon juice and sugar and put to set in the freezer.
  3. Pour the leftover jelly in a mould and put to set in the freezer.
  4. Chop finely once set.

To proceed:

In a serving glass, put pineapple jelly and cream before topping it with one scoop of pineapple ice cream. Sprinkle pineapple pieces and chopped jelly on top along with a dollop of cream.

3. Pineapple Ice Cream

Refreshing and cool, this is one of the most ideal ice cream recipes for summer.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 12


100 g fresh cream

1 tsp pineapple essence

1 small can of pineapple slices, drained and chopped

6 tsp custard powder

36 tsp sugar

12 teacups milk


  1. Dissolve the custard powder in half a teacup of chilled milk.
  2. Boil the leftover milk after adding sugar.
  3. Gradually stir in the custard powder once the milk begins to boil. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool.
  5. Add cream, chopped pineapple and essence. Mix well.
  6. Prepare the ice cream using an ice cream churner.

4. Pineapple and Lemon Ice Cream

Regular pineapple ice cream with a tangy twist.

Preparation time: 45 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Serves: 10


½ tsp pineapple essence

½ tsp lemon essence

3-4 tsp lemon juice

200 g fresh cream

½ tsp lemon peel, grated

¾ teacup sugar

8 teacups milk, chilled

1 small can of pineapple slices, drained and chopped


  1. Mix sugar and milk.
  2. Beat the cream.
  3. Mix everything together and prepare the ice cream using an ice cream churner.

5. Variation: Pineapple and Lemon Ice Cream (In a Refrigerator)


¼ tsp pineapple essence

2 tsp lemon juice

¼ tsp lemon essence

¼ tsp lemon, grated

200 g fresh cream

½ teacup icing sugar

4 teacups milk chilled

1 small can of pineapple slices, drained and chopped


Follow the same set of instructions until step 2.

Combine all the ingredients and follow the same set of instructions from step 2 to 7 given for the peach ice cream in a refrigerator(below).

6. Peach Ice Cream

Crunchy macaroons make all the difference to this delicious ice cream.

Preparation time: 45 minutes

Serves: 10-12


1 tsp ice cream essence

5-6 tbsp lemon juice

300 g fresh cream

1 teacup sugar

12 teacups milk

1 small can of peaches, drained and chopped

To serve:

4-5 crushed macaroons


  1. Thoroughly beat the cream before adding lemon juice.
  2. Mix sugar in the milk and add the essence, peaches and cream.
  3. Prepare the ice cream using an ice cream churner.
  4. Serve with crushed macaroons.

7. Variation: Peach Ice Cream (in a Refrigerator)


½ tsp ice cream essence

3 tsp lemon juice

300 g fresh cream

¾ teacup icing sugar

4-6 teacups milk

1 small can of peaches, drained and chopped


  1. Follow the same set of instructions for the peach ice cream (above) until step 2.
  2. 1 hour prior to making the ice cream, set the temperature to the highest point.
  3. Pour the mixture into ice trays ensuring that each layer does not exceed 1”.
  4. Place the trays in the freezer.
  5. Remove in a chilled bowl after 45 minutes.
  6. Beat the mixture using a fork.
  7. Put to set in the freezer again.
  8. Take out after 15-20 minutes and serve with crushed macaroons.

Tip: The less milk you use, the richer will your ice cream be.

8. Plum Parfait

One of the most delicious and colourful ice cream recipes.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Serves: 8-10


2 tsp cornflour

2 cloves

6 tsp sugar

¾ tsp lemon juice

2 small cinnamon sticks

450 g firm plums, peeled and sliced

To serve:

Vanilla Ice cream


  1. Add cloves, cinnamon, sugar, and lemon juice to the plums.
  2. Mix cornflour in ¾ teacup of water before adding it to the plums.
  3. Cook for a couple of minutes until tender.
  4. Chill.
  5. Place two alternate layers of ice cream and plum mixture in a parfait glass. Top it up with some mixture and serve.

9. Nougat Basket

Guests will love these beautiful baskets filled with ice cream and fruits.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 15


Fruits for the filling


2 tsp sugar

½ tsp peanuts, coarsely powdered

1 ½ teacups sugar

1 ½ teacup cashew nuts, coarsely powdered


  1. In a pan, heat all the sugar. Toss in the nuts, mix and immediately remove from heat.
  2. Oil a working surface, a bowl and 2 knives.
  3. Pour the mixture on the slab and continue to work on it with both the knives until you get a dough.
  4. Take three-quarters of the dough and roll out as thinly and quickly as possible.
  5. Press these rolled doughs one by one on the oiled bowl so that they form baskets.
  6. Rill out the leftover dough into a long strip and bend it in a manner that it forms a ‘U’ and looks like the handle of the basket.
  7. Heat 2 tsp of sugar in another pan until it melts.
  8. Dip the ends of the handle in the melted sugar and stick them to the ends of the baskets to form a complete basket.
  9. Leave for a few minutes until dry.
  10. Carefully remove baskets from the bowls an fill them with fruits and ice cream before serving.

Tip: if the mixture gets too hard to roll, then reuse by heating in a preheated oven until it melts again.

10. Vanilla Ice Cream

The classic ice cream.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 10


2 tsp vanilla essence

¾ teacup sugar

12 teacups milk


  1. Boil the milk for exactly 10 minutes (after it starts boiling).
  2. Add sugar and continue to boil.
  3. Allow to cool.
  4. Add the vanilla essence and prepare the ice cream using an ice cream churner.

11. Cherry Jubilee

Vanilla ice cream and flambe cherries make for one of the most extraordinary ice cream recipes.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Serves: 8-10


2 tbsp brandy

A few drops cochineal

2 tsp lemon juice

2 tsp sugar

1 ½ tsp cornflour

2 tsp raspberry jam

1 small can of cherries


  1. Stone the cherries and keep the syrup aside.
  2. Add sugar, jam and cornflour to the cherry syrup before boiling it.
  3. Toss in the stoned cherries, cochineal and lemon juice.
  4. Transfer this to a bowl.
  5. In a large spoon, warm the brandy. Set it alight and pour the burning brandy over the cherries.
  6. Mix well.
  7. Spoon this sauce over the vanilla ice cream before serving.

We hope you liked these ice cream recipes. If you tried our ice cream recipes, we request you to write to us and share your experience.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra