
Cake Recipes You Can Try At Home

Cake Recipes You Can Try At Home
Written by Medhaavi Mishra

Packed with inspirational photographs, tips, hints and best cake recipes, this article provides you with everything you need to know to create delectable desserts for all occasions.

We bring you easy cake recipes (cake recipes for beginners). From chocolate cake recipes and sponge cake recipes to birthday cake recipes, this article will be your new go-to guide.

Cake Recipes Containing Eggs

1. Small Chocolate Cakes

A light chocolate sponge filled with delicious cream for normal entertaining.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Makes: 10-12 cakes


½ tsp lemon essence

115 g fine tea sugar

115 g margarine or butter

1 tbsp cocoa

1 tsp baking powder

170 g plain flour

2 eggs

To decorate:

Glace cherries

To prepare the filling:

2 tbsp fresh cream

3 tbsp icing sugar

1 tbsp butter


  1. Sieve the cocoa, flour and baking powder.
  2. Beat the eggs.
  3. Cream the sugar and margarine. Add the beaten egg once the mixture is creamy and light. Beat again.
  4. Fold in the flour along with some water to get a mixture of dripping consistency.
  5. Add lemon essence. Mix.
  6. Fill tiny paper cups up to three-quarter with this mixture and Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.
  7. Allow the cakes to cool.
  8. Scoop out a little portion from the cakes.
  9. Mix all the ingredients required to prepare the filling.
  10. Decorate with grace cherries in the centre and serve.

2. Black Forest

Another version of the famous Schwarzwald cake.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Makes: 8-10


2 tbsp kirsch or brandy or rum

1 shortcrust pastry

4-5 tbsp powdered sugar

300 g fresh cream

1 tbsp red jam

A small can of cherries

1 three-egg fatless chocolate sponge mixture

To decorate:

Grated chocolate


  1. Stone the cherries and keep the syrup aside after adding rum to it.
  2. In a well-greased pan, bake the sponge mixture.
  3. Allow the cake to cool before trimming the top and bottom.
  4. Cut the cake horizontally into two parts.
  5. Roll out the shortcrust pastry dough to 175 mm diameter.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 10 minutes.
  7. Allow to cool.
  8. Apply a thin layer of jam over the pastry.
  9. Place one part of the cake over the pastry.
  10. Beat the sugar with cream until thick.
  11. Spread a little cream over the cake and arrange the cherries on top.
  12. Spread a thick layer of cream over the cherries and chill in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  13. Place the other piece of cake on top and spread the remaining cream.
  14. Decorate with cherries and grated chocolate.
  15. Chill and serve.

3. Jelly and Fruit Gateau

This cake is tastier than it looks.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 35 minutes

Serves: 8-10


3 tbsp roasted and chopped cashew nuts

2 tbsp jam

½ packet pineapple jelly

A few cherries

A few peach slices

115 g shortcrust pastry

A few pineapple slices

1 two-egg fatless sponge mixture

To prepare the filling:

½ tsp vanilla essence

3 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp custard powder

2 teacups milk


To prepare the pastry:

  1. Thinly roll out the shortcrust pastry dough and cut with a 200 mm round cutter.
  2. Place the pastry in an ungreased flat tin and prick all over with a toothpick or a fork.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool.

To prepare the cake:

  1. Dust and grease a 175 mm diameter tin.
  2. Pour the sponge mixture into it and bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for 15 minutes.
  3. Allow to cool.
  4. Divide the cake horizontally into two parts.
  5. Sprinkle syrup of canned fruit over the cake.

To prepare the filling:

  1. Mix custard powder in a little cold milk.
  2. Boil the remaining milk after adding sugar.
  3. Add custard mixture to the boiling milk once it begins to boil. Mix and continue to cook for a minute.
  4. Allow to cool before adding the vanilla essence.

To proceed:

  1. Apply a thin layer of jam over the pastry and put one part of the cake over it.
  2. Spread half of the custard over it and place the other piece of cake on top.
  3. Arrange the fruits over the cake.
  4. Dissolve the jelly in one cup of boiling water.
  5. Put the dish containing the pastry in a larger dish containing ice cubes and stir.
  6. Tie a band of greaseproof paper around the cake in a manner that it comes above the cake.
  7. Pour the setting jelly over the fruit and put to set in the refrigerator.
  8. Remove the band of paper once the jelly sets.
  9. Apply a thin layer of custard or jam on the sides of the cake.
  10. Store again in the refrigerator.
  11. Serve cold.

4. Cocoa Fluff Cake

An impressive chocolate cake filled with cherries and covered with chocolate flavoured cream.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Serves: 8


A small can of cherries

3 tsp melted chocolate or cocoa

1 ½ teacup fresh cream

6 tbsp powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 three-egg fatless chocolate sponge mixture


  1. Dust and grease a 200 mm ring mould tin.
  2. Add the vanilla essence to the sponge mixture and pour into the hot prepared baking tin.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 15 minutes.
  4. The cake is ready when it leaves the sides of the tin and is springy to touch.
  5. Take out from the oven and leave for a minute. Loosen the sides with a knife, invert the cake over a rack and tap sharply to remove.
  6. Divide the cake horizontally into two parts in such a manner that the bottom part amounts to ¾th of the total cake and the upper part amounts to ¼th of the total cake.
  7. Scoop a little from the three-quarter part of the cake.
  8. Stone the cherries and keep the syrup aside.
  9. Pour some syrup over the cake and allow to soak until moist.
  10. Beat the sugar with cream and cocoa.
  11. Fill the centre cavity with a little cream.
  12. Arrange the cherries over the cream.
  13. Put the smaller portion of the cake on top.
  14. Cover the whole cake with the remaining cream.
  15. Decorate with cherries and grated chocolate. Chill.
  16. Serve cold.

5. Peach Praline Gateau

A superb cake that’s light as a feather and covered with jam, cream and crunchy pralines.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Serves: 8


Praline powder

2 tbsp apricot jam

4 tbsp powdered sugar

200 g cream

1 small can of apricots or peaches

1 two-egg fatless sponge mixture


  1. Dust and grease a 175 mm diameter sandwich cake tin.
  2. Pour the sponge mixture into the prepared tin.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 15 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool.
  5. Divide the cake horizontally into two parts.
  6. Chop the fruits leaving 5-6 pieces for decoration. Keep the syrup aside.
  7. Pour some syrup over the cake and ensure that it’s moist.

To proceed:

  1. Beat the sugar and cream.
  2. Add ⅓ of praline powder and chopped fruits in half the cream.
  3. Spread this mixture on one part of the cake.
  4. Put the other part of the cake on top.
  5. Mix the jam with a little syrup and crush over the sides of the cake.
  6. Stick the praline powder on the sides of the cake with the help of a palette knife.
  7. Fit a piping bag with a star nozzle and fill with the cream. Pipe the cream on top.
  8. Decorate with the remaining praline powder and fruits.

6. Marble Cake

An attractive tea-time cake.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 8


Chocolate butter icing

1 tbsp cocoa

A tsp of vanilla essence

½ teacup milk

115 g powdered sugar

115 g margarine or butter

1 ½ tsp baking powder

170 g plain flour

2 eggs

To decorate:

Glace cherries

Grated chocolate


  1. Sieve the baking powder and flour together.
  2. Cream the sugar and margarine well until creamy and light.
  3. Add the eggs, one egg at a time. Continue beating every time.
  4. Add the milk and the flour until you get a mixture of dropping consistency.
  5. Add the vanilla essence. Mix.
  6. Divide the mixture into two equal parts.
  7. Add cocoa in one part and mix.
  8. Dust and grease a 175 mm diameter ring mould tin.
  9. Put 1 tbsp of each mixture alternately in the tin.
  10. Make another layer over the first but this time, put the cocoa mixture on the plain mixture and vice versa.
  11. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 15-20 minutes.
  12. Allow to cool.
  13. Cover with chocolate butter icing.
  14. Decorate with cherries and grated chocolate before serving.

7. Jam Roll

A sponge roll which can also be served as a dessert with cold custard sauce or whipped cream.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Serves: 6-8


Powdered sugar

Margarine or melted butter

2 tbsp raspberry jam

55 g plain flour

55 g fine tea sugar

2 large eggs


  1. Take a 225 mm x 350 mm Swiss roll tin.
  2. Apply melted butter, put greaseproof paper over it and apply melted butter once again over the paper.
  3. Beat the sugar and eggs for 4-5 minutes or until thick and double in quantity.
  4. Add the flour and mix.
  5. Pour the mixture into the prepared Swiss roll tin.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 8-10 minutes.
  7. Remove from the oven when the roll is springy to touch. This is by far the most important part since an overbaked roll will crack whilst rolling.
  8. Sprinkle a sheet of greaseproof paper lavishly with powdered sugar.
  9. Invert the roll on this sheet and then peel off the paper from the top.
  10. Make a roll with the help of the sugared paper. Let it cool.
  11. Once the roll has cooled down, gently unroll and spread the jam.
  12. Reroll and sprinkle with some more powdered sugar.
  13. Cut into slices before serving.

8. Coffee Walnut Sandwich

A pleasing combination of coffee flavour and nuts.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 6


Coffee glace icing

Coffee butter icing

2-3 tbsp milk

2 tbsp walnuts, chopped

1 tbsp coffee essence

2 eggs

115 g powdered sugar

115 g margarine or butter

1 tsp baking powder

115 g plain flour


  1. Sieve the baking powder and flour together.
  2. Cream the sugar and margarine together until creamy and light.
  3. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, thoroughly beating each time.
  4. Add the sieved flour, coffee essence and chopped walnuts. Mix.
  5. Grease and dust 2 150 mm diameter cake tins and fill with the mixture.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Allow the cakes to cool.
  8. Sandwich with coffee butter icing and coat with coffee glace icing.
  9. Decorate with walnuts before serving.

Eggless Cake Recipes

9. Almond Shortcakes

Delicious, rich and mouthwatering.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Makes: 25


To prepare the shortcake:

1 tsp vanilla essence

55 g powdered sugar

115 g margarine or butter

170 g plain flour

To prepare the almond mixture:

3 tsp plain flour

55 g cashew nuts, powdered

A few drops of almond essence

40 g powdered sugar

40 g butter or soft margarine

To decorate:

2 tsp red jam

2 tbsp sweetened cream


To prepare the shortcake:

  1. Cream the sugar and margarine until creamy and light.
  2. Add the vanilla essence and beat well.
  3. Gradually fold in the flour and make a dough.
  4. Roll out to about 6 mm thickness on a floured board.
  5. Stamp out into rounds with a biscuit cutter of about 50 mm diameter.
  6. Dust and grease a pastry tin with about 50 mm cavities and put the shortcake rounds in the cavities.

To prepare the almond mixture:

  1. Cream the sugar and margarine until creamy and light.
  2. Add the almond essence and mix.
  3. Add the flour and cashew nuts and mix again.

To proceed:

  1. Put ¾ tsp of almond mixture on each shortcake round.
  2. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Allow to cool.
  4. Fill with some jam and cream before serving.

10. Marble Cake (Eggless)

An equally delicious cake without the eggs.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Serves: 8


Chocolate butter icing

2 tsp powdered sugar

1 tbsp cocoa

1 tsp vanilla essence

60 ml butter or melted margarine

½ can condensed milk

½ tsp sods bi-carb

2 tsp baking powder

140 g plain flour

To decorate:


Grated chocolate


  1. Sieve together the soda bi-carb, baking powder and flour.
  2. Mix ½ teacup of water, vanilla essence, melted margarine, flour and condensed milk.
  3. Divide the mixture into two equal parts.
  4. Add cocoa in one part and mix well.
  5. Dust and grease a 175 mm diameter ring mould tin.
  6. Put 1 tbsp of each mixture alternately in the tin.
  7. Make another layer over the first, but this time put the plain mixture on the cocoa mixture and vice versa.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes.
  9. Allow the cake to cool.
  10. Dissolve the powdered sugar in ½ a teacup of water and thoroughly soak the cake with this syrup.
  11. Cover with chocolate butter icing.
  12. Decorate with cherries and grated chocolate before serving.

11. Small Chocolate Cakes (Eggless)

Follow everything as it is from the above recipe except use an eggless chocolate sponge cake and ½ tsp of lemon essence.

12. Black Forest Cake (Eggless)

Follow everything as it is from the above recipe except use an eggless chocolate sponge cake.

13. Cocoa Fluff Cake (Eggless)

Follow everything as it is from the above recipe except use an eggless chocolate sponge cake.

14. Peach Praline Gateau (Eggless)

Follow everything as it is from the above recipe except use an eggless sponge cake.

We hope you enjoyed our picks of best cake recipes!

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra