Got goosebumps after reading the story title? Faces of some of the closest school friends must be crossing your mind right now.
You can never forget them or get enough of school friends. You might make some good friends at a later stage in life, but friends who stay with you for a lifetime are certainly from school.
The priceless memories, we can never forget about the craziest years of life with them. School friends have seen almost all the emotions that a person goes through in life. They have seen you laugh, they have seen you cry and most importantly they have seen you falling in love for the first time. We all have certainly enjoyed some of the best years of our lives with our school friends!
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We have spent some of the major years of our lives with school friends.

Growing up was difficult, but friends made it easy!

Starting from the punishments to burning up crackers on the last day of the school, we have lived some of the best memories of our lives with them.