A beautiful word, a wonderful genuine feeling. Life is not just about getting birth and living it. Its also not only up to birth and death. But its much more than that.
The real meaning of life is when we live our life to the fullest. When one understands that there’s nothing beyond living life and giving it a meaning. Having ups and downs in life is a very natural part of it but staying motivated and positive is more necessary and important in life.
To dream of glorious life and working for that is in our hands but thinking that what God has given is only our fate and to not do more of that is our stupidity and foolishness. We need to work hard to overcome our hardships. Just cherish your life, because when you wake up in the morning you have the sunshine on your face and new zeal to work more for your dreams.

Have you ever thought of this that … What makes life so unique and beautiful???
It’s only your hard work and dedication to your life goals. It’s the zeal within you to live life to the fullest. Although life is full of ups and downs, you just need to have patience and win the race of life. The ups and downs, depression are not only in your life, but those are also in everyone’s life from a poor person to the big millionaires, entertainers, comedians, politicians, and even in the economic conditions. Ups and downs are everywhere in everyone’s life.
Even if we look at the economic growth graph, we find lots of ups and downs. We can see there are various stages when the graph falls down from the recession to the depression and again rises to the boom.
After a fall there’s definitely a win. Like we can study the graph for the year 1929 when the great depression occurred which had a severe impact on the Indian economy, the GDP declined, people were unemployed. This depression took place when India was under the rule of Britishers. During the year 1929 to 1937, the imports and exports fell in a drastic manner cribbing seaborn international trade. The railways and the agriculture sectors were mostly affected by this.

The international financial crisis combined with unfavorable policies adopted by the Government of India resulted in soaring prices of commodities and high prices along with the stringent taxes prevalent in British India had a dreadful impact on most Indians. This leads to a number of deaths in those years.

Similarly, the country’s economy is again affected by a novel coronavirus.

Everyone is well aware of today’s scenario, everything’s due to COVID-19 has come to a standstill. All the offices, schools, shops, industries, companies, work offices, businesses, etc have been shut down for a long time. Not only India, but it’s also the condition of every country today. We can well understand it by the below graph:

Making the terms more clear, let us go towards the glamourous world…
Yes towards our celebrities, many of them have faced the ups and downs, stage of depression in their life because of career, family, money, etc. They have also gone through the ups and downs, but had the courage and fought for their life. There are many celebrities like Deepika Padukon, Yo Yo Honey Singh, Manisha Koirala, Anushka Sharma, and many. The names will never end.

Let us talk about Deepika Padukon. Everyone is watching her from years in the movies, the beautiful, gorgeous Deepika Padukon who always took everyone’s heart in her movies. But very few of her fans know the story of her life. When she was facing the worst phase of her life. She went into depression after her breakup with her ex-boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. She was suffering from depression and did not understand the symptoms. Her symptoms were spotted by her mother, she urged her to seek medical help and was diagnosed with depression in the year 2014.
She said, “The word that best describes my experience of depression is a struggle. Every second was a struggle. I felt exhausted the whole time.”

Talking about the Big B, Amitabh Bacchan, he also went through multiple phases of failures early from the beginning of his career. Today he’s famous, well known for his height, personality, voice, but the starting of his career days these only were the reasons for his rejections. He was rejected for being 6 feet 3 inches and low confidence in him. But he never lost hope and tried even much harder than ever. This was not so easy, he kept on working harder and finally succeeded after a lot of hard work and lived a glorious life.

Not only this, but he also suffered from depression when he turned to be a producer in 1966 and had continuous failures at that time with that Amitabh had a financial crisis with almost what he had. It was a very hard time for him but he overcame it.

We should understand the fact that Everything in life happens for a reason. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity that others may not have. Life has more meaning than we could imagine it to be. Though it’s the life of anyone, any star or any cricketer or any businessman, the ups and downs are natural to be in someone’s life. We all just need to be calm, patient and should avoid the issue become a huge problem for us. People take their life for granted, they don’t realize what they are letting go right now. They do not grab the opportunity and they are left behind. Run towards the challenges and understand the meaning of your life. Understand everything happening to you has some reasons. You are worthy of your life. You exist for doing something big, very big!!! Always be grateful for what you have, don’t be an egoist and arrogant of what you have and others don’t. You don’t take anything with you when you die so why being proud of it.
“You came empty-handed, will leave empty-handed.
What is yours today, belonged to someone else yesterday,
and will belong to someone else the day after tomorrow.
You are mistakenly enjoying the thought that this is yours. “
– Bhagavad Gita