Food & Drink Recipe

Recipes For Kids: Children’s Party Fair

Recipes For Kids: Children’s Party Fair
Written by Medhaavi Mishra

We bring you a delightful collection of healthy recipes for kids. Choose from Beverage recipes for kids, Appetizer recipes for kids and Dessert recipes for kids – all of which are simple recipes for kids.

Beverage Recipes For Kids

1. Choco-Soda

Children love this chocolaty drink.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: a few minutes

Makes: 6 glasses


12 tbsp milk

6 scoops vanilla ice cream, chilled

4 bottles of ice cream soda, chilled

3 tbsp sugar

3 tbsp cocoa


  1. Mix ½ a teacup of water with sugar and cocoa. Bring to boil.
  2. Pur 1 tbsp of cocoa syrup in every glass and pour some ice cream soda over it. Add a scoop of ice cream and pour some soda again.
  3. Serve cold.

2. Choco-Cola

A combination of children’s favourite items.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: a few minutes

Makes: 6 glasses


A few drops of lemon juice

2 tbsp chocolate ice cream

2 bottles coca-cola

To serve:

Crushed ice


  1. Mix lemon juice, ice cream and coca-cola together using a liquidizer and churn for sixty seconds.
  2. Top it up with crushed ice.
  3. Serve cold.

3. Pink Soda

It tastes even better than it looks!

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Makes: 4 glasses


1 packet of strawberry jelly

8 bottles of ice cream soda, chilled

8 tbsp strawberry ice cream, chilled


  1. Boil 3 cups of water.
  2. Dissolve jelly in it. Put to set in the refrigerator. Once set, cut it into small pieces.
  3. In a tall glass, place some jelly, then some ice cream before pouring some chilled soda.

Appetizer Recipes For Kids

4. Drop Scones

A quick jammy snack.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Makes: 15-20 scones


Ghee, for deep drying

A pinch of salt

4-5 tbsp milk

2 tsp sugar

2 tsp ghee

1 egg

1 tsp baking powder

115 g plain flour

To serve:



  1. Combine salt, baking powder and flour. Sieve.
  2. Add sugar, ghee, egg and milk to make a thick batter.
  3. Put 1 spoonful of mixture in a shallow frying pan. Add some ghee and deep fry on both the sides to make a pretty puffed scone. Repeat with the remaining mixture.
  4. Serve hot with jam.

5. Vegetable Hamburgers

An all-time favourite with the children.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Makes: 12 hamburgers


12 salad leaves

12 onion rings

Butter, to fry

12 thick tomato slices

12 vegetable cutlets

A dozen buns

To serve:

Tomato ketchup


  1. Slice the buns horizontally into two parts.
  2. Heat butter in a frying pan and cook the buns for about a minute on both the sides.

To proceed:

  1. Place a salad leaf on the bun before adding a cutlet. Top it up with an onion ring and a tomato slice. Add a dollop of tomato ketchup and cover with the other piece of bun.
  2. Serve hot with potato wafers.

Tip: If you can’t stand the smell of raw onions, simply switch to lightly fried onions.

6. Strawberry Jam

A delicious fruit jam.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Makes: ½ teacups


Juice of ½ a lemon

¾ teacup sugar

1 teacup strawberries, mashed


  1. Mix the sugar with the strawberries and cook until thick.
  2. Allow to cool before adding the lemon juice.
  3. Serve as a topping for bread slices.

7. Bean Burgers

A popular snack that’s enjoyed by kids as well as adults. It can also be served as a TV snack.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 6


Salt, to taste

Melted butter

2 tbsp ghee

2 tbsp tomato ketchup

1 teacup boiled spaghetti or cooked rice

2-3 chopped green chillies

1 chopped onion

1 large can of baked beans

6 buns

To prepare the covering:


4 tbsp cooking cheese, grated

1 ½ teacup white sauce


  1. Divide the buns horizontally into two.
  2. Scoop out the centres before brushing all over with melted butter.
  3. Arrange them on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 10 minutes.
  4. Heat the ghee in a vessel and fry the onion for a minute. Toss in the salt, tomato ketchup, cooked rice, baked beans and green chillies and continue to cook for another minute.
  5. Use this mixture as the bun filling.
  6. Spread a dollop of white sauce on every bun. Sprinkle some cheese and dot with butter before baking it again at 200°C for 15 minutes.
  7. Serve hot.

Tip: You can also make  tasty burgers using any of the following fillings:

  1. Use a filling of pizza sauce after sprinkling a generous amount of cheese and putting a slice of capsicum on top and baking.
  2. Use a filling of white sauce with a generous amount of cheese and a few drops of Worcestershire sauce along with a little mustard.
  3. You can also use a filling of curried beans. Fry a tbsp of ghee, chilli powder, 2 cloves of garlic (crushed), 1 onion (chopped), salt and baked beans.

8. Cheesy Golden Fingers

One of the easiest recipes for kids that ensures they love eating carrots.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 6


Salt, to taste

1 green chilli, chopped

5 tbsp cheese, grated

3 tbsp fresh cream

1 tsp mustard powder

2 tbsp soft butter

1 cucumber, finely chopped

1 carrot, grated

7-8 bread slices


  1. Toast all the bread slices.
  2. Cream 3 tbsp of cheese, mustard powder and butter until soft.
  3. Add salt, cream, green chilli, cucumber and carrot.
  4. Spread this over the toasts and garnish with the leftover cheese.
  5. Bake or grill in a preheated oven at 220°C for 10-15 minutes.

9. Cheese and Pineapple Sizzle

Quick and tasty, this is one of the most popular recipes for kids.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Serves: 4


Salt, to taste

A pinch of pepper

100 g cooking cheese, grated

4 pineapple rings, chopped

4 slices of bread

To decorate:

A couple of gherkin slices


  1. Toast the bread on a single side.
  2. Combine together the cheese and pineapple pieces.
  3. Pile this mixture on the untoasted side of the bread.
  4. Sprinkle pepper and salt.
  5. Grill the bread until the cheese begins to melt.
  6. Garnish with gherkin slices and serve hot after adding a pinch of pepper and salt.

10. Sandwich House

A delightful centrepiece for children’s parties.

Preparation time: 5 minutes




Carrot, sliced and some grated

Beetroot, sliced and some grated

Radish roses

Lettuce, chopped

A few cherries


  1. Separate 6-8 slices of bread from their crusts before applying butter and your favourite filling like cheese, jam, etc.
  2. Stack them up on a large dish before applying some butter on top.
  3. Cut three bread slices into triangles and sandwich similarly.
  4. Stick these triangles on top of the stacked sandwiches with the help of toothpicks to form a roof.
  5. Use carrot and beetroot slices to make the door and windows.
  6. You can also use a radish rose to make a chimney.
  7. Surround the house with radish roses, chopped lettuce, and decorative sandwiches using toothpicks.
  8. Make sandwich faces using brown and white bread circles. Use grated beetroot sections for the mouth and eyes, glace cherries for the nose, and grated carrot for the hair.

Dessert Recipes For Kids

11. Jokers

A super hit at children’s parties.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Makes: 6 jokers


12 gem sweets

Vanilla butter icing

Chocolate glace icing

6 ice cream cones

2 tbsp jam

1 two-egg sponge cake


  1. Crumble the cake before adding the jam. Mix well.
  2. Apply glace icing to the cake balls. Let them dry.
  3. Cut 25 mm from the top of every ice cream cone.
  4. Use the 25 mm sections as the bases and keep the balls on top.
  5. To make caps, place the tapering cones on each ball.
  6. Stick the gem sweets as eyes with using the butter icing. Pipe some butter icing over the mouth to resemble lips and over the eyes to resemble eyebrows.

12. Variation: Jokers (Without Eggs)

Use an eggless sponge cake instead of the regular sponge cake.

13. Chocolate Faces

Children will just gobble up these yummy cakes.

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Makes: 25 faces


½ tsp lemon essence or 1 tsp vanilla essence

2 teacups icing sugar, sieved

1 small slab of white milk chocolate

1 three-egg Victoria sponge cake mixture

Decoration balls and colourful sweets or vanilla butter icing


  1. Add the essence to the cake mixture.
  2. Arrange baking cases on a baking dish.
  3. Put a tbsp of cake mixture in each baking case.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.
  5. Allow to cool and keep aside.
  6. Melt the chocolate slab (without adding any water) in a double boiler and add the melted chocolate to the icing sugar.
  7. Spread the icing over all the cakes.
  8. Pipe a little butter icing on every cake to make nose and eyes. You can also use decoration balls and coloured sweets to make the nose and eyes.

14. Variation: Chocolate Faces (Eggless)

Use an eggless sponge cake instead of the Victoria sponge cake.

15. Chocolate Balls

An excellent way of using cake left-overs.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Makes: 10-12 balls


Chocolate glace icing

1 tbsp jam

Two-egg sponge cake or 2 teacups left-over cake pieces

To decorate:


Vanilla butter icing


  1. Crumble the cake before adding jam and a tablespoon of butter to it.
  2. Shape the mixture into bite-sized round balls.
  3. Dip these balls in chocolate glace icing before placing them in paper cups.
  4. Decorate with sweets and vanilla butter icing.

16. Lemon Jelly Pear Mice

Jelly and fruit served attractively for the little ones.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Setting time: 20 minutes

Serves: 8


Decoration balls

A few cloves or glace cherries

A few drops of green food colouring

1 small can of pears, halved

1 packet of lemon jelly


  1. Boil 3 teacups of water and melt the jelly in it.
  2. Allow to cool before adding the food colouring.
  3. Put to set in a flat dish.
  4. Once set, cut into small pieces.
  5. Spread the jelly in a serving dish before arranging the pear halves over the jelly leaving aside one half.
  6. To proceed:
  7. Thinly slice a pear half in a manner that it looks like mice tails. Attach a tail to every pear half, two cloves as ears and two cherries to resemble the eyes of the mice.
  8. Serve cold.

17. Clock Cake

An easy-to-prepare birthday cake.

Preparation time: 60 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 20 children


To prepare the cake:

Vanilla butter icing or melted jam

A few drops of green food colouring

A few drops cochineal

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 six-egg Victoria sponge cake

To cover the cakes:

2 tsp cocoa powder

2 egg-white royal icing

To make the numbers:

9 gem sweets

1 tsp cocoa

3 tbsp icing sugar

½ tsp gelatine

To decorate:

Vanilla butter icing


To prepare the cake:

  1. Add vanilla essence to the cake mixture before dividing into two parts.
  2. Add food colouring to one part and cochineal to the other.
  3. Dust and grease a 225 mm x 225 mm square tin and a 175 mm diameter tin. Pour one colour mixture into the round tin and other colour mixture into the square tin.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.
  5. Allow the cakes to cool.

To cover the cakes:

  1. Cover the face and sides of the clock with royal icing.
  2. Mix the cocoa powder with the remaining royal icing and apply to the base.

To make the numbers:

  1. Heat two tablespoons of water and dissolve the gelatine in it. Add cocoa and icing sugar to make a dough.
  2. Shape the dough into roman numbers III, VI, IX, XII along with making two arms of the clock.
  3. Place these at appropriate positions while the icing is still wet.
  4. Arrange 1 gem sweet in the centre and others at appropriate clock number positions.

To decorate:

Pipe the vanilla butter icing on the lower circumference of the round cake and the bottom edges of the square cake.

18. Variation: Clock Cake (Eggless)

Use glace icing instead of royal icing and an eggless sponge cake instead of the Victoria sponge cake.

19. Fairy Cottage

The smiles which this cake will light on children’s faces will make your labours in preparation worth their time.

Preparation time: 60 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 20 children


Vanilla butter icing

A few drops of green food colouring

A few drops of cochineal

3 three-egg Victoria sponge cake mixtures

To prepare the roof:

15-20 jujubes

Vanilla butter icing

1 packet of wafer biscuits

To prepare the chimney:

Vanilla butter icing

1 cherry

40 g small aniseed sweets, coloured

To prepare the coating:

Royal icing

White glace icing

To prepare the windows and doors:

White glace icing

A few biscuits

To prepare the sofa:

2 biscuits

To prepare the well:

A few biscuits

To prepare the steps and grass:

A few jujubes

Gem sweets

A few drops of green food colouring

3 tbsp powdered sugar

¾ teacup desiccated coconut


  1. Dust and grease three 200 mm square cake tins.
  2. Add cochineal in one mixture, add green colouring in the second and leave the third as it is.
  3. Bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 200°C for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Allow the cakes to cool before vertically cutting them into two halves.
  5. Sandwich together five parts one on top of the other using butter icing. You can use any sequence of coloured cakes you desire. Put this house base on a large serving dish or a wooden board.
  6. For the leftover part, cut out 25 mm thick strip lengthwise for the support of the roof. Keep aside the remaining cake for making the well, chimney and sofa.
  7. Apply some butter icing in the top centre as the roof support and put the cut strip so that it sticks.

To prepare the roof:

  1. Apply some butter icing to the wafer biscuits and stick them on top at a slant to form a roof. Leave a little space for the chimney.
  2. Apply some butter icing to the jujubes and stick them on the roof.

To prepare the chimney:

  1. Cut a small piece of 50 mm x 25 mm from the leftover cake.
  2. Apply butter icing on it before rolling into the sweets.
  3. Stick the chimney on the roof using a toothpick.
  4. Stick the cherry on top of the chimney using the butter icing.

To prepare the coating:

  1. Apply the desired coating all over the house.
  2. To prepare the windows and door:
  3. Apply some glace icing to 2 rectangular biscuits and allow to dry. Fix these biscuits with the help of toothpicks as two halves of the door.
  4. Cut one small lintel of the door from a biscuit. Apply some glace icing and let it dry. Fix the lintel just above the door by pressing into the cake house.
  5. Cut 2 biscuits to form square windows. Apply some glace icing and let it dry. Stick the windows onto the house using some butter icing.

To prepare the sofa:

Cut a small piece from the leftover cake. Place a biscuit on top of this piece as a seat and one for the back. Stick everything using toothpicks.

To prepare the well:

  1. Cut a round from the remaining cake with the help of a biscuit cutter. Scoop out the centre.
  2. Cut the biscuits into small strips and make a roof for the well. Fix the roof using toothpicks and some butter icing.

To prepare the steps and grass:

  1. Make a border on all the four sides using gem sweets.
  2. Add green colouring and powdered sugar to the desiccated coconut and sprinkle all around the cottage to resemble grass.
  3. Use jujubes to make the steps to the door.
  4. Place the sofa and well on the sides of the house.

20. Variation: Fairy Cottage (Eggless)

Use glace icing instead of royal icing and an eggless sponge cake instead of the Victoria sponge cake.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra