Healthy Food

Nutty Affair: High Protein Nuts Recipes

Nutty Affair: High Protein Nuts Recipes
Written by Medhaavi Mishra

High Protein Nuts (Dry Fruit) Salad

Serves: 2


100 g mixed dry fruits

5 g round black pepper

5 g salt

5 g sugar

15 ml red wine

15 ml olive oil

5 g Italian parsley

50 g lima beans, soaked

50 g black kidney beans, soaked

50 g green lentils, soaked


  1. In boiling water, add the lentils and beans. Cook until they become tender (approx. 20 minutes). Drain and keep aside.
  2. Combine the boiled lentils, beans and parsley in a bowl.
  3. Whisk olive oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper in a separate bowl.
  4. Add the dry fruits, lentils, and beans to the above dressing. Chill in a refrigerator for an hour. Serve.

High Protein Nuts Chicken Meatballs in Cashewnut Gravy

Serves: 2


For the chicken meatballs:

15 g coriander leaves, chopped

25 g onions, chopped

5 g chilli powder

300 g chicken mince

Oil for deep frying

Salt, to taste

For the sauce:

5 g mint leaves

150 g heavy cream

2 g dried fenugreek leaves

150 ml water

Salte, to taste

5 g chilli powder

250 g tomato puree

5 g garlic, chopped

5 g ginger paste

5 g whole garam masala

50 g cashew nut paste

5 g butter


  1. For the chicken meatballs: In a bowl, add chicken, chilli powder, onions, salt, and coriander. Mix well.
  2. Make small bowls and deep fry till golden.
  3. For the sauce: Melt butter in a pan. Add whole garam masala and let it splutter. Add ginger paste, chopped garlic, and cashew nut paste. Saute.
  4. Add the tomato puree, chilli powder, salt, and water. Cook and let it simmer on a low flame. Add the fenugreek leaves.
  5. Add the chicken balls and continue cooking for five minutes.
  6. Add fresh cream and garnish with mint leaves. Serve.

High Protein Nuts Gosht Korma With Mushrooms

Serves: 2


100 g button mushrooms, sliced

10 ml lemon juice

15 g mint, chopped

15 g coriander leaves

1 cup coconut milk

Salt, to taste

5 g mace powder

5 g garam masala powder

500 ml water

5 g red chilli powder

5 g turmeric powder

10 g coriander powder

60 g yogurt, lightly whisked

20 g garlic cloves

10 g fresh ginger

5 g green chillies

2 g cinnamon stick

5 g green cardamom pods

2 bay leaves

10 g black peppercorns

200 g onion, finely sliced

60 ml vegetable oil

2 lamb shanks


  1. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan. Fry the onions for 10-12 minutes. Cool and blend with a little water to a smooth paste.
  2. Separately, grind the chillies, ginger, and garlic to a smooth paste.
  3. In a bowl, add the yogurt, coriander, turmeric, and red chilli powders. Mix well.
  4. Heat the remaining oil in a pan. Add the black peppercorns, bay leaves, cardamom pods, and cinnamon stick. Add the green chilli paste and saute for a minute.
  5. Add the lamb shanks and mushrooms. Cook on medium to high heat for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Add the yogurt mix and stir to make sure it doesn’t split. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the onion paste. Stir. Add water and salt. Bring it to a boil and simmer. Cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes on low heat with the lid on.
  7. Add the lime juice, garam masala and mace powders. Pour in the coconut milk and simmer for a few minutes.
  8. Garnish with coriander and mint leaves. Serve.  

High Protein Nuts Vegetable Dry Fruit Rice Pulav

Serves: 2


White pepper, to taste

salt, to taste

25 ml oil

25 g butter

10 g onions, fried

15 g mint leaves

5 g jeera

20 g raisins

40 g cashew nuts

40 g green peas, boiled

40 g carrots, boiled and diced

180 g basmati rice, boiled


  1. In a deep pan, heat oil and saute the cashew nuts till golden. Set aside.
  2. Add jeera and let it splutter. Add the raisins, carrot, and peas. Saute for a minute.
  3. Add butter, rice, salt, and pepper. Gently stir and allow the rice to cook (approx. 10 minutes).
  4. Garnish with mint leaves, fried onions, and cashews. Serve hot.

High Protein Nuts (Dry Fruit) Rice Kheer

Serves: 4


1 tbsp butter

50 g mixed dry fruits

2 g cardamom powder

2 g cinnamon powder

75 g condensed milk

1-liter milk

250 g basmati rice, soaked and drained


  1. Heat butter in a pan. Add the dry fruits and stir fry until golden brown. Keep aside.
  2. Heat the milk in a vessel. Add the soaked and drained basmati rice. Allow it to cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Add the condensed milk, cinnamon, and cardamom powders. Continue to stir over a low flame.
  4. Add the dry fruits and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Serve chilled.

High Protein Nuts Assorted Cookies

Serves: 4


100 g brown sugar

35 g hazelnuts

35 g walnuts

35 g almonds

25 g cashews nuts

200 g dark compound chocolate, chopped

1 egg

225 g flour

125 g butter


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Use non-stick baking paper to line two baking trays.
  2. Whisk/beat the butter and sugar until well combined using an electric beater. Add the egg and mix well.
  3. Sift the flour over the butter mixture and stir until well combined. Add the chocolate and nuts, stir to combine.
  4. Use your hands to roll 40 g portions of cookie mixture into balls and place them on the prepared trays. Use the back of the spoon to lightly flatten them.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes or until light golden brown. Remove and set aside for five minutes. Transfer them on a wire rack to cool completely.
  6. Serve warm.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra