Advertising & Marketing Technology

Do you know the value of WordPress as a CRM tool?

Written by Medhaavi Mishra

Customers are the backbone of the prosperity of any business. The businesses obtain revenue from the customers after rendering their services or selling their products to them. This shows the importance of the relationship between the business and the consumers. You can use various platforms to manage your relationship with clients. Know how to use WordPress as a CRM tool.

Internet based

The internet handles millions of people every time. Numerous individuals prefer using the internet to procure goods and seek information. You will realize that a majority of your customers are using the internet for communication too. Hence, relating with your customer using WordPress will be convenient for them. WordPress makes communication with the customers easier.

Easy to use

Some of the CRM tools sold in the market tend to be extremely complex to use. Your personnel will require training before they are able to operate them. However, WordPress is quite common as many folks have used it before. Getting used to WordPress will only take a short period. Its ease of use makes WordPress the most preferred CRM tool.

Keep multiple records

If your business is doing well and it has numerous prospective and loyal customers, it is essential to have enough storage space. Losing contacts is dangerous and it will cut links with the customers.
When you fail to keep contact with your clients, they will be vulnerable as your competitors can lure them into buying their services and products. WordPress offers more storage for the contacts.

Connection to emails

Another amazing feature that WordPress offers the businesspersons is the ability to connect with their customers through their emails. In this day and age, everyone has an email address. Most people fancy using their emails to communicate. By using WordPress, you can share your content directly to the emails of your customers. This helps in maintaining communication with clients.

Spread information

Customer relations will be stronger every time you inform them of the changes happening in your business. To spread such information, you will require a better platform to carry out this task. If your customers are very many, it will become impossible to call all of them. That will be costly too. WordPress is an effectual tool when it comes to spreading information to countless people.

Possible enhancement of features

Apart from WordPress being a great site for any online business, it can be customized to become a great CRM tool. WordPress can also have the features you would like your CRM tool to have. To carry out such modifications, you will require expert assistance. To escalate its functions, you can integrate it to reliable CRM software.

User activity and note tracking

WordPress gives the business owners the ability to monitor their activities within their page. The main task of the CRM tool is to identify what the customers love. This will give the retailers the ability to meet their emerging needs properly. By knowing the things that capture the attention of most customers in the webpage, you will find a better way of interacting with them.

Contact messages management

There is a possibility of receiving countless messages every time. The rate of messages received will be higher especially when the product has attracted numerous customers. Lack of proper management of these messages will result to failure in responding to them on time. That will culminate in dissatisfaction. WordPress has a dependable message management system.

Sales focus

The core objective of using the Customer Relationship Management tool is to increase the sale of products or services. Hence, the tool must have a sales focus in order to achieve that objective. WordPress gives that impression to the prospective customers whenever they visit the page. That is why Salesforce github advises retailers to rely on WordPress as a CRM tool.

Most viewed pages

Within WordPress, it possible to have more content to give the customers a variety of what they might desire. Through the existing content, you will get to know more about the expectations of the clients and their needs. Pages that tend to attract more views are speaking more of what the customers require. Hence, you will know how to approach them effectively.

Integration to social media

Millions of people always visit the existing social media sites. Social media offers people a platform to interact. That makes social media a great place to interact with your current and potential customers. WordPress can be integrated with your social media sites. This will enable you to connect with various folks on social media and direct them to your site.

Cost effective

Due to the importance that CRM systems offer the businesspersons, they are very costly. Their maintenance tends to be extremely high. This will steadily increase your expenditure and minimize your profit margins. WordPress is extremely cost effective since opening is free. You will only spend money when seeking hosting providers. In terms of costs, other CRM tools are not preferable.

Place calls from WordPress

One of the better methods of getting the attention of customers is by making a call. Even though making calls will be expensive when dealing with many customers, in some cases it will be mandatory. A CRM tool that offers an option of making calls is the best option. WordPress gives its users this option too. You will have the chance to make calls from the WordPress site.


WordPress offers other services apart from managing your customers. You will have a chance to market your products and services. While the customers visit your site, they will have access to the information and the adverts contained in the site. Through the adverts, you will be able to gain customers that are undecided on whether to procure your services or products.


Most people will always prefer costly CRM tools. This is because they believe their effectiveness and quality is determined by their pricing. Some CRM tools are expensive but their effectiveness is limited compared to the WordPress. WordPress is reliable and highly effective too.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra