
A Comprehensive Guide to Post-Op Care After Your Hair Transplant Procedure

Written by Medhaavi Mishra

Undergoing a hair transplant procedure is a significant step towards achieving the hair you’ve always dreamed of. While the surgery itself is a crucial part of the process, what comes after is equally important. Proper post-op care can make a significant difference in the success and longevity of your new hair. In this blog, we’ll delve into the essential post-op instructions you need to follow diligently, as they are based on feedback from over 2,000 patients.

Medications: Your First Line of Defense

Immediately after your hair transplant procedure, you will receive a comprehensive set of post-op instructions. At the forefront of these instructions are medications, which play a pivotal role in your recovery. Antibiotics are provided to prevent infection, and you should take one tablet twice a day. Having taken your morning dose, the next one is scheduled for tonight at 8:00 p.m. Additionally, you’ll start taking prednisone with food tomorrow morning for the next few days.

Pain management is also a priority. Some patients may receive pain medication like codeine, along with specific instructions on its usage. Remember that on the day of the procedure, you should take it easy and avoid strenuous activities. Rest, hydrate, and let your body recover.

Nutrient Support with Lac Solution

One of the key elements of post-op care is the use of a special spray bottle containing a solution called Lac. This solution is essential for graft survival as it provides necessary nutrients during the initial days. Your task is to spray your scalp every 10 minutes until bedtime. Keep an eye out for any signs of clotting and, if needed, increase the frequency of spraying.

Ensuring the right head position is also crucial. Keep your head elevated, especially while sleeping, at a 45-degree angle. Avoid any actions that could stress your scalp or affect the grafts, such as looking downward or making sudden movements.

Taking it Easy for a Smooth Recovery

For the first few days following your hair transplant in Ahmedabad, it’s vital to take it easy. Avoid bending down or making any movements that could strain your scalp. You’ll be given a special bandage to wear that captures the water during the Lac spray application.

If you experience any discomfort, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or Tylenol can help. While bleeding is rare, apply gentle pressure if it does occur to stop it.

Your Post-Op Goodie Bag

As part of your post-op care package, you’ll receive a goodie bag with essential supplies. This includes a spray bottle, medications, travel covers, and gauze if your transplant was in the front. The bandage you wear should be kept on for four days and four nights, with removal on the fifth morning.

After the initial 24-48 hours, you can begin washing your grafts with baby shampoo, gently massaging the scalp. Adding conditioner after 21 days can help reduce crusting and scabs. Continue with the regular Lac spray routine as instructed.

Special Care for Curly Hair

If you have curly hair, there’s a specific scalp squeeze exercise you should do for a week. This exercise helps prevent ingrown hairs and ensures that your newly transplanted hair follicles grow healthily.

Donor Area Care

For those who underwent a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure, caring for the donor area is equally important. You’ll need to apply antibiotic ointment and keep it wrapped for the first night. If the wrap doesn’t come off on its own, remove it the next day.

Be cautious with hot showers, saunas, and pools for at least a month after the procedure. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercises for a while, resuming light exercise after one week.

Supporting Hair Growth with Nutrition

In your post-op care package, you’ll also receive protein shakes and multivitamins that play a pivotal role in supporting hair growth. Be sure to space them eight hours apart for optimal absorption. If itching becomes an issue, hydrocortisone cream can help alleviate discomfort. Should you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your clinic.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Lastly, it’s crucial to make certain lifestyle adjustments during your recovery period. Avoid alcohol and smoking, as these can hinder the healing process and affect graft survival. Stay away from any traumatic activities that could harm your newly transplanted hair follicles.

The success of your hair transplant largely depends on how well you adhere to the post-op instructions. These instructions have been carefully crafted based on the experiences of thousands of patients and are designed to maximize the results of your procedure. By following them diligently, you can look forward to a head of hair that you’ll be proud to show off for years to come. Remember, your hair transformation journey doesn’t end with the surgery; it continues with your commitment to proper post-op care.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra