Education Technology

What is a Striver SDE Sheet?

What is a Striver SDE Sheet?
Written by Medhaavi Mishra

If you are a budding programmer, there are high chances that you must have heard of the term “ Strivers SDE Sheet”

Hence, if you want to look at the exact meaning of the Strivers SDE sheet, you can say that it is a bunch of questions that interviewers in software development companies use. 

though, if you go back to its origin, this sheet was created by Striver, who has tried to guide people toward the betterment of learning programming. 

The students or adults can be able to work on the sheet if they are already educated in data structures. 

Otherwise, it will be challenging to unravel problems. It has enabled people in cracking coding interview because it contains the questions that are usually asked, and it can take almost 2-3 months to solve the problem.

Though, if you practice it regularly, it can take nearly a month. It has questions related to algorithms that various big companies ask at the time of the interview of Amazon, Wipro and other tech giants!

Why Should One Trust Striver SDE Sheet? 

Many people have cleared their interviews because of this sheet. The questions inside this sheet are very carefully inherited. 

Striver has been offered different jobs because of the development of this sheet, and he has been claimed as the top educator in Unacademy.

Problem List

The Strivers SDE Sheet has various types of problems included where the first one has:

Arrays: Inside of this are questions that the students or job seekers have to solve. The first one is

  •  Set Matrix Zero: It says that if there is any element that is zero in the matrix, then one has to fix the column and row to take it to zero as well, and after that, the matrix should return.
  •  Pascal’s triangle: In this problem, one must work towards recovering N oars in the Pascal triangle.
  •  Next Permutation: Inside this problem, the main influential character is lexicographical, where one has to rearrange the numbers from the given integers.
  •  Kadane’s Algorithm: One has to find the contiguous subarray having the most significant sum.
  •  Sort an array of 0’s, 1’s And 2’s: One has to write a program without using sort functions.
  •  Stock buy and Sell: The students have to choose a day where first they will buy the stocks and then where they are going to sell them. In this problem, one has to enhance the profit.

Arrays Part 2

  •  Rotate Matrix: A person has to swivel the matrix to 90 degrees.
  •  Merge Overlapping Sub-intervals: One has to incorporate the intervals, and the result should be the return of the non-overlapping intervals.
  •  Merge two Sorted Arrays Without Extra Space: One has to merge arr1() and arr2 () and amend both.
  •  Search the copy in an array of N+1 integers: One has to scour for the duplicate number.
  •  Discover the repeating and missing numbers: In this problem, one has to find the missing B and A two times.
  •  Score inversions in a collection: One has to sort or merge the N integers in an array.

Arrays Part III

  •  Examination in a sorted 2D matrix: One has to find a program where they will work to see if the given integer is in the matrix.
  •  Enforce Pow(x,n) | X lifted to the power N: One has to evaluate the X to power N.
  •  Discover the Majority Element that transpires more than N/2 times: One has to build a program that will help return the element, which is there two times in an array.
  •  Preponderance Elements(>N/3 times) | Find the elements that occur more than N/3 times in the array: One has to search for elements that happen more than 3 times.
  •  Grid Unique Paths: The students have to create unique directions
  •  Census Reverse Pairs: One has to return the reverse pairs.

Arrays Part IV:

  •  One has to write a program where one has to find whether the integer given is in the matrix or not.
  •  One has to calculate the X
  •  One has to write a program where an element will return twice in an array.
  •  In this problem, one has to write elements that happen 3 times.
  •  One has to create a path that can either go in the right or down direction.
  •  One has to work to find the longest substring.

Linked List

  •  One has to develop a program where one will overturn the linked list.
  •  One has to return the node of the middle linked list.
  •  One has to merge the 2 sorted lists and return them with sorted lists.
  •  One has to find the Nth node and has to delete it.
  •  One has to add 2 numbers and return it as a linked list.
  •  One has to delete the node.

Linked List II:

  •  One has to work on the node
  •  One has to check if there is a cycle in the linked list or not. If there is a cycle, then one has to mark yes and if not, then go with a No.
  •  One has to work towards checking if the nodes are multiple of K, if not, the other nodes should remain as they are.
  •  If it is a palindrome, then one has to mark yes.
  •  One has to return the node to the cycle, but if there is no cycle, one must mark it null.
  •  The nodes need to appear in a single order.


Now, apart from all these questions, one will be able to clear the adobe interview questions by looking at the other questions. It contains Linked lists and arrays, Greedy Algorithms, Recursion, Binary search, heap, String, GraphTrie, Computer Networks, and Project Overview.

All these other questions will give the job seeker the chance to get into the interview confidently and help them learn how to process other future discussions.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra