
Top Skincare Hacks for Healthy and Glowing Skin

Written by Medhaavi Mishra

Makeup is fun, but healthy glowing skin will always be a winner! But to maintain healthy glowing skin is nothing less than a challenge, and therefore we have a few of the best skincare hacks that will give you flawless glowing skin every single day. Breakouts, pimples, and acne have a lot of medications readily available in the market, but these hacks do not involve any kind of medication and yet will help you to get rid of all these skin problems over a period of time. The one thing about skincare is that you must follow it every day religiously so that your skin heals and glows from within.


The first and the foremost skincare hacks for glowing skin is hydration, both internally and externally. By internally we mean, your water intake. For healthy glowing skin you must drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water every single day. This will keep your system clean and free from toxins. Drinking 3 to 4 litres of water every day also helps in getting rid of all the impurities from your body which gradually helps in healing acne and pimples. If you are unable to drink this amount of water, make sure you include healthy and fresh juices to your diet. We mentioned that you must also be hydrated externally which means you need a good serum or a moisturiser that helps in hydrating your skin from within this will keep your skin soft and supple throughout the day.

Besan Cleanser

This hack for glowing skin works like magic for all skin types. With this hack you can create your very own skin cleanser that you can use up to twice or thrice a week. All you need to do is take 2 tablespoons of besan and mix it with 3 tablespoons of pure rose water. Mix these two ingredients properly to form a liquid-like consistency. Apply this all over your face and neck and leave it on for at least 10 to 15 minutes. But make sure this face mask or cleanser must not dry out on your skin. Rinse off with cold water and then apply a serum for hydration. This skincare hack will give you flawless glowing skin every single time

Lip exfoliation

Another important skincare hack for glowing skin is to take care of your lips. You must exfoliate your lips at least twice a week so that all the dead skin cells and dry skin is gently removed. If you don’t have a lip scrub, then you can make your own lip scrub using sugar granules mixed with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this all over your lips and gently scrub for at least two minutes. This will help in getting rid of all the dead skin cells and dry skin instantly. Finish off with a lip balm for extra hydration and moisturisation. This skincare hack will keep your lips healthy and moisturised at all times while preventing dryness and chapped lips. You can exfoliate your lips at least two times a week.

Skin scrubbing

Like lip exfoliation, skin exfoliation is also important. This skincare hack helps in getting rid of all the dead skin cells, black heads, white heads, and also it helps in cleansing your pores from within. Skin scrubbing must be done at least twice a week if you have extreme blackheads and whiteheads with large open pores, and if you don’t then scrubbing your face at least once a week is good enough. Whenever you scrub your skin make sure you gently scrub in an upward motion without pressure or else you will end up bruising your skin. Once your scrubbing is done, cleanse your face using a gentle face wash to get rid of all the remaining dirt on your skin.

Minimal makeup for daily wear

Less is always more, and hence if you are someone who needs to apply makeup on a daily basis then an important skincare hack for you is to apply minimum makeup while you get ready for work every day. You can apply your serum and then finish off with your primer. You can then use a concealer and a blush to add an instant glow to your face with a flush of colour. And then you can set your makeup using a compact powder. If you are someone who is looking for tips for dusky skin make up, then you can add in a lipstick in a dark brown shade for a subtle and yet a glowing finish. Wearing minimal makeup every day means that you are having less products on your skin and that helps in keeping your skin calm and prevents breakouts. And to elevate your entire look, finish off with your favourite perfume to smell fresh and amazing throughout the day.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra