
Vitamins for Anxiety Patients According to Experts

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Written by Medhaavi Mishra

Statistics show that almost one in five American adults has an anxiety issue. That is why it is so important to talk about the ways people suffering from anxiety can cope with their condition. They need something that can help them relax their muscles and chill their nerves at the same time. Luckily, many experts are tackling this subject and we are here to discuss the best vitamins for anxiety patients.

Vitamin B is one of the most important vitamins for anxiety patients

Vitamin B complex is actually a group of eight various nutrients responsible for many processes in our body.

Some studies show that people who have lower levels of vitamin B12 in their blood are more prone to anxiety and depression.

Since many foods are rich in vitamin B, even proper nutrition can be enough to cope with anxiety in some cases. Here are some foods that are high in Vitamin B:

  • Leafy and dark vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale – some are also rich in magnesium which helps muscle relaxation;
  • Meat – fish, poultry, beef liver, and red meats are good sources of the vitamin B complex. Due to the lack of these ingredients in their nutrition, vegetarians and vegans need to take vitamin B supplements;
  • Eggs and dairy – cheese and yoghurt in particular;
  • Grains – brown rice and millet;
  • Nuts and seeds – especially sunflower seeds;
  • Legumes such as green soybeans, lentils, chickpeas and kidney beans.

There are other ways of including vitamin B into someone’s diet and that is through supplements.

According to experts, vegetarians and vegans have to take vitamin B complex supplements daily, while other categories of anxiety patients need to do a blood test to determine whether it’s necessary for them too.

A recent study showed that consuming some yeast-based spreads (such as Vegemite) can also be beneficial in dealing with anxiety issues.

This is the case with fortified cereals and spreads, too. It is important to add here that proper nutrition is very important, but might not be enough. The patients are usually recommended to try some activities to overcome stress and anxiety.

Sometimes, the sole use of vitamins is not enough

Anxiety is a condition that calls for help from a mental health professional. A lot can be done by taking the recommended vitamins, there is no arguing about that.

However, the substances that we take to deal with the symptoms of the condition rather than the cause. Actually, they do so only to a certain extent.

On the other hand, psychologists deal with the factors that trigger the feeling of anxiety. The healing process can take a while, but you should always trust the professionals.

And this is something that you should remember whenever you have a decision to make. For example, when looking for suitable moving assistance in Canada or searching for a new property to buy, the best piece of advice you can get is – always consult the professionals!

Vitamin D is beneficial for mental health

This is the vitamin responsible for our mood, as well as for our mental health. Consequently, it plays an important role in anxiety treatment and is one of the crucial vitamins for anxiety patients according to experts.

There are three ways that the human body can get the necessary quantity of vitamin D.

The first one is by being exposed to the sunlight – when our skin is exposed to the Sun, our body reacts by creating vitamin D.

Anxiety patients are often advised to go on a holiday to places where they can enjoy swimming and sunbathing. The benefits of such a trip are numerous since psychologists agree that travelling can heal our soul.

The second way of getting the necessary vitamin is through our nutrition. Food rich in vitamin D includes:

  • fatty fish like salmon, tuna or mackerel;
  • egg yolks, and dairy – especially cheese;
  • cereals, orange juice, and soy milk fortified with vitamin D;

The third option of obtaining enough vitamin D is through taking dietary supplements. Pharmaceutical companies offer more options than you know.

Multivitamin supplements are there to help

Supplements containing more than one type of vitamins are called multivitamins. They often include some important minerals too. As already mentioned, magnesium plays an important role in tackling the anxiety issues.

As a matter of fact, magnesium is the oldest mineral ever noticed to help in conditions of fear, panic, anxiety, and irritability. It is important to add that magnesium should be consumed together with calcium. The two depend on each other to achieve the best result.

Traditionally known for their role in dealing with stress are some herbs for anxiety. Some of them are Ashwagandha, Lavender, Rhodiola, Lemon Balm, and Chamomile.

This is something that pharmaceuticals are familiar with too. So, the herbs are often used for making dietary supplements with vitamins for anxiety patients.

Not every multivitamin complex has the same composition. That is why patients must consult their doctors and therapists before deciding which supplements to consume.

Other substances that can do a lot in anxiety treatment

Even though these are not classified as vitamins for anxiety patients, they are very important proteins, hormones, and even bacteria often used in anxiety treatment:

  • Lactium – a protein found in milk. A glass of warm milk is something that helped us fall asleep when we were children, and it can still calm us down when feeling anxious.
  • Melatonin – a hormone that our body produces. If it fails to do so, we can find it difficult to relax and sleep.
  • Probiotics – a group of bacteria. When carefully chosen to regulate the gut bacteria in our body, they can be beneficial to our mental state too.

About the author

Medhaavi Mishra